
You would not be visiting this site if you didn't think so,
and we could not have made it any easier!

We have created a site that lets you not only see what your choices look like but also provides:

Design Engine
Letter Samples

Contact Us



  • This site was designed to be
  • Easy to use
  • Fun try as many variations as you like, Contact us if you need further suggestions.
  • Resourceful; color combination tips, shadow tips, etc.

Materials: We use only the highest quality materials so that your boat lettering will continue looking good.

Your lettering packsge will contain comprehensive installation instructions (with the all important last resort pictures).
A plastic squeegee for "pressing" down letters and preventing air pockets.
What you will need to supply:

  • Plastic spray bottle
  • 2-4 drops of dish detergent
  • masking tape
  • measuring tape
  • razor knife/xacto knife
  • a nice day


Your lettering will come to you with all names spaced accordingly. There are three components to the lettering

This is the bottom most layer which the vinyl letters are stuck to.
This is a waxy paper allowing for easy removal of letters.
Do not remove letters from this sheet prior to installation.

These will either be our high performance vinyl letters or 22k gold.
The adhesive is designed for long term applications.
You must be very careful when handling letters not to allow letters to stick where you do not want them to.

This is the semitransparent tape on top layer over letters.
It has a lighter adhesive property than letters for easy removal once letters are applied to boat.

The purpose of this tape is to hold all lettering in it's proper position allowing for easy installation and exact registration.
If you ordered your lettering with an outline or shadow, you will receive your lettering already for 1 step installation.